SNOWY DAYs in Black and White

I thought I would share these as an ode to to how beautiful weather can be... I have seen its treachery, but I stand in awe of the quiet, breathtaking grace that can only a snowy day can provide. Now, I'm from the South and I happily return there. I appreciate the snow (and cold)--but not for long:)

 Anderson, IN/12.26.2012-01.03.2012

I chose black and white, because it breaks everything down to its simplistic form...

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I added these black and whites, just BECAUSE!  There were eight of us in the house so scrambling eggs for breakfast brought about the need for a flat of eggs. A dozen just would NOT have done it. So this last pic is simply in honor of breakfast!

SOOoo unbelievably, it decides to snow in ALABAMA on January 17, 2013. It was a huge blinding blizzard that lasted all of about an hour. There was SOME accumulation and with Canon in hand off I went...

I left the apartments in Homewood...

...over the hill and down into Midfield I headed...

One may recognize these buildings...

Thanks for stopping through!
©Marika N. Johnson


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